Master Degree Conference Proceedings (Speech Signal Processing):
1- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003. “Wavelet-based voiced/unvoiced classification algorithm.” Proc EC-VIP-MC: 4th EURASIP Conference on Video, Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, Vol.2, Zagreb, July 1-2, 2003, pp.667-672.
2- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003.” A new multi-feature voiced/unvoiced classification algorithm.” Proc ISSC: Irish signals and systems, Limerick, 30 June-2July, 2003, pp.184-189.
3- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003.” Speech enhancement based on bark-scaled wavelet packet decomposition and adaptive thresholding.” Proc ISSC: Irish signals and systems, Limerick, 30 June-2 July, 2003, pp.184-189.
4- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003. “Wavelet-based noise estimation techniques for speech enhancement.” 3rd international workshop on models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications MAVEBA, Florence, Italy, Dec 10-12, 2003.
5- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003. “Adaptive noise estimation using second generation and perceptual wavelet transform.” Proc. Eurospeech conf, Geneva, Sept 1-4, 2003, pp.1741-1744.
6- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., 2003. “Wavelet-Based perceptual speech enhancement using adaptive threshold estimation.” Proc. Eurospeech conf, Geneva, Sept 1-4, 2003, pp.569-572.
Master Degree Journal Papers:
1- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., “New Adaptive Speech Enhancement System Using Novel Wavelet Thresholding Techniques”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 4, Vol 3, 2004, pp.1092-1096.
2- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., “Second Generation and Perceptual Wavelet Based Noise Estimation”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers , Issue 4, Vol 3, 2004, pp.1097-1101.
3- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., “wavelet-based noise estimation for robust speech enhancement”, International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, No.4, Vol.13, 2007, pp.447-452.
4- Jafer, E., and Mahdi, A.E., “Two-feature Voiced/Unvoiced Classifier Using Wavelets”, Open Journal for Electrical and Electronic, No.6, Vol 2, pp.8-13, Feb 2008.
PhD Degree Conference Proceedings:
1- K. Arshak, D. Morris, E. Jafer, O. Korostynska, J. Harris, S. Clifford G. Lyons, A. Arshak, “Novel Higher Sensitivity Silicone Based Capacitive Pressure Sensors For Biomedical Applications”, E-MRS Poland, Symposium B, Sep. 2004.
2- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, D. McDonagh, “Modeling and Simulation of a wireless sensor data acquisition system using PCM algorithms”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conf. (BMAS), Vol.1, San Jose (CA), USA ,Oct 21-22, 2004, pp. 80-85.
3- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, D. McDonagh, “Simulation and testing of RF Transceiver suitable for wireless short range applications”, Proc. 2004 Int. Conf. on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications, Vol.1, Luxemburg, Nov 15-18, 2004, pp.214-218.
4- Arshak, A., Arshak, K., Morris, D., Korostynska, O., Jafer, E., Harris, J., and Clifford, S., “Development Of TiO2 Thick Film Capacitors For Use As Strain Gauge Sensors”, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston , USA, 29th Nov. – 3rd Dec, 2004.
5- Arshak, K., Jafer, E., McDonagh, D., Arshak, A., Morris, D., Korostynska, O., Waldron, D., “Modeling and
Simulation of a wireless microsensor data acquisition system using PCM techniques”, Proc. of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD'05, Sousse – Tunisia, March 21-24, 2005.
6- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, J. Orr, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, D. McDonagh, J. D. Quartararo, H. Dämpfling, J. Huang, “Design of a low power capacitive pressure sensor signal-conditioning interface using PLL”, Proc. of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD'05, Sousse – Tunisia, March 21-24, 2005.
7- A. Arshak, K. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “Development Of PVDF Thick Film Interdigitated Capacitors For Pressure Measurement On Flexible Melinex Substrates”, in Giant-Area Electronics on Nonconventional Substrates, edited by M.S. Shur, P. Wilson, and M. Stutzmann (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 870E, Warrendale, PA , 2005), H2.4. April 2005.
8- K. Arshak, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “Evaluation the suitability of thick film TiO2 capacitors for used in a wireless pressure measurement system”, Symposium A - Current trends in nanoscience - from materials to applications, E-MRS 2005, Strasbourg, France, May 31-June 3, 2005.
9- K. Arshak, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, J. Harris, “Development of polymer based sensors for integration in a wireless data acquisition system suitable for monitoring environmental and physiological processes”, Symposium H - Nano-structured and intelligent bioactive materials, E-MRS 2005, Strasbourg, France, May 31-June 3, 2005.
10- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, “Simulation of a biomedical wireless acquisition system for recording the GI motor activity”, 14th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conf., 4-10 June, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005, pp.490-494.
11- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, “Design of a low power smart wireless system used for sensor monitoring”, 12th Int. Conf. on Mixed design of integrated circuits and systems (MIXDES), Vol. 1, 22-25 June, Krakow, Poland, 2005, pp.99-104.
12- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, “Design of A Low Power Smart Wireless System Used For Multi-Sensor Monitoring”, Proc. IEEE Sensors, Irvine, CA USA, Oct 31- Nov 3, 2005.
13- K. Arshak, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “A Wireless Pressure Measurement System Based On TiO2 Interdigitated Sensors”, Proc. IEEE Sensors, Irvine, CA USA, Oct 31- Nov 3, 2005.
14- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, D. McDonagh, “Modeling remote system for sensor monitoring using Verilog HDL and SIMULINK co-simulation”, IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation (BMAS) Conference, San Jose (CA), USA, Sept. 22-23, 2005, pp. 64-69.
15- K. Arshak, and E. Jafer, “Wireless Ultra-low Power Smart Data Acquisition System for Pressure Sensing in Medical Application”, Invited, Proc. 25th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), May.14-17, Nis, Serbia, 2006, pp.212-219. (Best Paper Award)
16- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, “Development of programmable wireless module for in vivo pressure and temperature monitoring”, 13th Int. Conf. on Mixed design of integrated circuits and systems (MIXDES), Gdynia, Poland, June. 22-24, 2006, pp. 275 – 280.
17- Essa Jafer, and Christian Ibala, “Testing FPGA based digital system using XILINX ChipScopeTM logic
analyser”, 29th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), Dresden, Germany, May.10-14, 2006, pp.355-360.
18- Khalil Arshak, and Essa Jafer, “Design of telemetry platform system for biomedical pressure monitoring”, 29th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, Dresden, Germany, May 10-14, 2006, pp.109-114.
19- Khalil Arshak, and Essa Jafer, “modeling of wireless based sensors data acquisitions systems used for esophugus monitoring”, Presented in Eurosensors 06, Göteborg, Sweden, 2006.
20- Khalil Arshak, Essa Jafer and Christian Ibala, “Verification of an FPGA based sensor telemetery system design using mixed environment”, Presented in Eurosensors 06, Göteborg, Sweden, 2006.
21- A. Khalil, J. Essa, A. Arousian, and W. David, "Low power programmable prototype sensor for remotely pressure monitoring," presented at 5th IEEE Sensors, Daegu, Korea, 2007, pp.1502-1505.
22- Essa Jafer, and Christian Ibala, “Improving the performance of an FPGA based Model design for sensor monitoring using PlanAhead tool”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conf. (BMAS), San Jose (CA), USA, Sept.14-15, 2006, pp. 91-96.
23- K. Arshak, E.Jafer, T.McGloughlin, T.Corbett, S.Chatzandroulis, D.Goustouridis D. Tsoukalas, P. Normand, O.Korostynska, “Development of Wireless Pressure Measurement System for Short Range medical Applications”, 30th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), Cluj, Romania, May.9-13, 2006, pp.94-99.
24- Khalil Arshak, and Essa Jafer, “A Wireless Sensor Network System for Pressure and Temperature Signals Monitoring”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Vigo, Spain, June.4-7, 2007, pp. 1496 – 1501.
25- Essa Jafer and Christian Ibala, “Power Testing of an FPGA based System Using Modelsim Code Coverage capability”, IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS07), Krakow, Poland , April.11-13, 2007.
26- Khalil Arshak and Essa Jafer, “The use of PE and PVDF Pressure Sensors in Smart Wireless Sensor
Network System developed for Environmental Monitoring”, Presented in EMRS 2007, Symposium O on Functional organic & inorganic materials for micro and nano Bio-sensing system, Strasbourg, France, May 28-June 1, 2007.
27- Arshak K, Jafer E, McGloughlin T, Corbett T, Chatzandroulis S, Goustouridis D, “ Wireless Measurement System for Capacitive pressure Sensors Using Strain Compensated SiGeB”, IEEE Sensors, Georgia, Atlanta USA, Oct 28-31, 2007.
28- Arshak K, Jafer E, and Ibala C, “FPGA Based System design suitable for Wireless Health Monitoring
Employing Intelligent RF module”, IEEE Sensors, Georgia, Atlanta USA, Oct 28-31, 2007.
29- Essa Jafer and Khalil Arshak, “The development of wireless sensor system for pressure and temperature signals monitoring”, Proc 1st international conference on Ambient media and systems (Ambi-sys), Quebic, Canada, 2008.
PhD Degree Refereed Journal Papers:
1- K. Arshak, E.Jafer, A. Arshak, G. Lyons, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, “A review of low-power wireless sensor microsystems for biomedical capsule diagnosis”, Microelectronic International, Vol 21, No. 3, pp. 8-19, 2004.
2- K. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, A. Arshak, J. Harris, S. Clifford G. Lyons, “Novel silicone-based capacitive pressure sensors with high sensitivity for biomedical applications”, E-Polymers no. 061, pp. 1-11, Sept. 2004.
3- Arshak, A., Arshak, K., Waldron, D., Morris, D., Korostynska, O., Jafer, E. and Lyons, G., Review of the potential of a wireless MEMS microsystem for biomedical applications, Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 27, Issue. 5, pp. 347-356, June. 2005.
4- K. Arshak, E. Jafer, A. Fox, “Design of a new thick film capacitive pressure and circuitry interface”,
Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 65, Issue.5, pp. 757-764, April 2005.
5- A. Arshak, K. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “Investigation of TiO2 Thick Film Capacitors For Use As Strain Gauge Sensors”, Sensors & Actuators, A: Physical, Vol. 122, Issue. 2, pp. 242-249, August 2005.
6- A. Arshak, K. Arshak, G. Lyons, D. Waldron, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “Review of the potential of a wireless MEMS microsystem for biomedical applications”, Sensor Review, Vol. 25, Issue. 4, pp. 277-286, Dec.2005.
7- Arshak, A., Arshak, K., Waldron, D., Morris, D., Korostynska, O., Jafer, E., and Lyons, G., A Review of Digestible Micro-systems for Gastrointestinal Tract (GI) Diagnostic Applications, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.34, Issue.2, pp.163-186, 2006.
8- K. Arshak, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “Evaluation the suitability of thick film TiO2
capacitors for use in a wireless pressure measurement system”, Materials Science & Engineering C, Vol. 26, Issue. 5-7, pp. 1077-1081, 2006.
9- K. Arshak, D. Morris, A. Arshak, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, D. Waldron and J. Harris, “Development of polymer based sensors for integration into a wireless data acquisition system suitable for monitoring enviornmental and physiological processes”, Biomolecular Engineering, Vol. 23, Issue.5, pp.253-257, 2006.
10- K. Arshak, A. Arshak, D. Morris, O. Korostynska, E. Jafer, “A Wireless Pressure Measurement System Based On TiO2 Interdigitated Sensors” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.7, pp. 122-129, Jan 2007.
11- Arshak, E. Jafer, J. Orr, A. Arshak, D.Morris, D.McDonagh, J. D. Quartararo, H. Dämpfling, C.Y. Huang”, “Design of a low power capacitive pressure sensor signal-conditioning interface using PLL”, Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices (Issues on Sensors, Circuits & Instrumentation Systems), Vol.2, No 4, 2006-2007.
12- Khalil Arshak and Essa Jafer, “Modelling and Simulation of a Wireless Microsensor data acquisition system using PCM techniques”, Simulation Modelling. Practice and Theory journal, Vol.15, Issue.7, pp.764-785, August 2007.
13- Essa Jafer “Modelling and Simulation of wireless sensor system for health monitoring using HDL and Simulink mixed environment”, IET Journal of Computer and Digital techniques, Special Issue on Advanced in Electronics Systems Simulation, Vol.1, Issue.5, pp. 508-518, Sept 2007.
14- Khalil Arshak and Essa Jafer, “Modeling of wireless based sensors data acquisitions systems used for esophugus monitoring”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol 142, Issue 1, pp. 390-397, March 2008.
15- K. Arshak., A. Arshak., E. Jafer., D. Waldern., and J. Harris., “Low Power Wireless Smart Data Acquisition System for Monitoring Pressure in Medical Application”, Journal of Microelectronic International, Vol.21, Issue.1, pp.3-14.
16- Essa Jafer and Khalil Arshak, “The use of PE and PVDF Pressure and Temperature Sensors in Smart Wireless Sensor Network System developed for Environmental Monitoring”, Sensor Letters, Vol.6, Issue. 4, pp. 477-489, 2008.
Conference Proceedings in other applications:
1- Arshak. K, Abubaker. O, Jafer. E, “Design and simulation difference types CMOS phase frequency detector for high speed and low jitter PLL”, Proc. 5th IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS), Vol.1, Dominican Republic, Nov.3-5, 2004, pp.188-191.
2- Arshak. K, Abubaker. O, Jafer. E, “Improved charge pump for reduced clock feed through and charge sharing suppression”, Proc. 5th IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS), Vol.1, Dominican Republic, Nov.3-5, 2004, pp.192-194.
3- Arshak K, Korostynska O, Jafer E, Arshak A, Morris D, and Gill E, “Gamma Radiation Sensing Using ZnO and SnO2 Thick Film Interdigitated Capacitors”, 29th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), Dresden, Germany, May.10-14, 2006, pp.483-488.
4- Khalil Arshak, Essa Jafer, Francis Adepoju, “Simulation and Characterization of Wireless Data Acquisition RF Systems for Medical Diagnostic Application”, IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS07), Krakow, Poland, April.11-13, 2007.
Journal Publications in other applications:
1- O. Korostynska, K. Arshak, D. Morris, A. Arshak and E. Jafer, “Radiation-induced changes in the electrical properties of carbon filled PVDF thick films”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Vol.141, Issue.3, August 2007, pp.115-120.
2- K. Arshak, O. Korostynska, J. Harris, D. Morris, A. Arshak and E. Jafer, “Properties of BGO thin films under the influence of gamma radiation”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.516, Issue.7, February 2008, pp. 1493-1498.
3- O. Korostynska, K. Arshak, D. Morris, E. Jafer and A. Arshak, “Wireless real time compact radiation detector based on Bi2O3/Nb2O5 thick film capacitors”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol.142, Issue.1, March 2008, pp.28-33.
Publications in Building Wireless Sensor Network (WSN):
1- Essa Jafer, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna, and John Buckley, “Developing Wireless Measurement System for Building Deployed Capacitive Sensors with Optimized RF Front End Circuit”, IEEE Sensors Conference, Lecce, Italy, pp.1222 – 1225, Oct 2008.
2- Rostislav Spinar, Rodolfo de Paz, Dirk Pesch, Weiping Song, Shafique Ahmad Chaudhry, Cormac J. Sreenan, Essa Jafer and Brendan O’Flynn, “Efficient Building Management with IP-based Wireless Sensor Network”, Presented for the 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) and the First European TinyOS Technology Exchange (ETTX), Cork, Ireland, Feb 2009.
3- Essa Jafer, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna and Rosta Spinar, “A study of the RF characteristics for Wireless Sensor Deployment in Building Environment”, Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM). Athens, Greece, pp.q206-211, June, 2009.
4- Essa Jafer, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna and Rosta Spinar, “A study of the RF characteristics for Wireless Sensor Deployment in Building Environment”, MASAUM Journal of Reviews and Surveys (Volume.1, Issue. 3), November, 2009.
5- Essa Jafer, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna, Wensi Wang, “Energy Harvesting Technologies”, Poster
presented at IET Sensors Instrumentation, Savoy Palace, London, November 2008.
6- Essa Jafer, Rosta Spinar, Brendan O’Flynn, and Cian O’Mathuna, and Dirk Pesch, “Deployment of
Wireless Sensor Network for Building Environmental Monitoring and Energy management”, Submitted to Wireless Sensor Networks: Designing for Real-World Deployment and Deployment experiences.
7- Essa Jafer, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna, and Wensi Wang, “Design of Miniaturized Wireless Sensor Mote and Actuator for Building Monitoring and Control”, The 17th International Conference on Telecommunications - Signal Processing and Applications Track (ICT 2010), Qatar, 4-7 April, pp.887–892, 2010.
8- Wensi Wang, Ningning Wang, Essa Jafer, Michael Hayes, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian O’Mathuna, "Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network based Building Energy and Environment Monitoring System Design" In: The 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2010), Wuhan, China, July 17th-18th, 2010.
9- Paul Stack, Karsten Menzel, Menouer Boubebeur, Weiping Song, Mateo Burillo, Rosta Spinar, Essa Jafer , “Mobile Maintenance Services”, to be presented in the 8th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling (ECPPM), Cork, Ireland, Sept 2010.
10- Brendan O’Flynn, Essa Jafer, Rosta Spinar, Marcus Keane, Andrea Costa, Dirk Pesch, Cian O’Mathuna,
“Development of miniaturized Wireless Sensor Nodes suitable for building energy management and
modeling”, to be presented in the 8th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling (ECPPM), Cork, Ireland, Sept 2010.
11- Essa Jafer, Rostislav Spinar, Paul Stack, Cian O’Mathunaand Dirk
Pesch,“Wireless Sensor Network
Deployment for Building Environmental Monitoring and Control”, Presented in the 2nd International ICST Conference on Ambient Media and Systems Ambi-sys 2011.
12- Essa Jafer and Christian Ibala, " Using Multibootig approch to reduce FPGA design resources for low power wireless sensor interfacing", Presented in the 20th IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Sweden, Aug 29-31, 2011.
Book Chapters:
eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Chapter 34. Development of miniaturized
wireless sensor nodes suitable for building energy management and modelling
Essa Jafer, Rosta Spinar, Marcus Keane, Andrea Costa, Dirk
Pesch, Cian O’Mathuna
Print ISBN: 978-0-415-60507-6
eBook ISBN: 978-0-203-83377-3
Patents Applications:
Patent submitted application- Novel Sensors/Meters interfacing layer for Wireless network deployment in Building Environment. Inventor: Essa Jafer (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork-Ireland).
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